Lately, I've fallen into a pattern of doing projects one right after the other, making each project self-contained within a single post. Since I post on a weekly schedule, this leaves too little time to really develop anything interesting. To combat this tendency, I'm trying to refocus my project-ing by spreading more time across several projects. Here's the thinking: I'll have some "slow and steady" projects that are more involved, taking multiple weeks. I'll mix in updates for these with some quick, one-post projects. To help keep a broader array of projects organized and on track, I'll be using my project board. (Like the origami frog?) I started using this cork board a while back to keep track of the projects I wanted to do. Over time, a system evolved in which I moved projects closer to the top as they neared completion. I decided to divide up the board into what have become my phases of completion. Since it's a cork board, I used pins and string to do the dividing.
Starting at the bottom I put the Ideas for projects I'd like to do. As I look into what it might take to feasibly do something, post it's move up to Development. At this phase I start to formulate a game plan, making sure I have the equipment or know-how I'd need. Execution is pretty self explanatory, it's the projects I'm actively working on. This step and the final one, Documentation tend to blend together, since I usually try to document the execution process or capture what I was focusing on. I also have them loosely organized from most involved on the left, to easiest/quickest on the right. Notice how there are more quick and easy projects nearing completion, while the more involved projects remain stuck as Ideas or in development. That's something I hope to work on.