This past weekend we had some perfect San Francisco weather (yet again.) To celebrate this fact, I continued with my ongoing effort to get our backyard whipped into shape. Ever since our plum tree shed all it's goodies, the yard has been tragically ignored, so every other weekend, I've picked one section to focus on and spent a morning weeding, sweeping, pruning, or whatever else is needed. I also do a little maintenance on the areas that I cleaned the previous week.

This week, I was emptying out the soil from a collection of dead potted tomatoes, and needed a good place to dump it. Meanwhile, we had a section of the yard that was overgrown and under utilized. I put two and two together, and decided to build up a planter bed. First I pulled out all the weeds, then measured and cut down the board. Luckily we have some spare re-bar spikes that I was able to hammer in as stakes holding back the wall. It took a fair bit of hammering, but I got them in. The board wasn't quite tall enough, so to make sure soil didn't come out the base, I lined it with a single run of bricks. Viola! Planter!