I’m working on another furniture project: a mirror table. A while back, I found a discarded, and frankly nasty, medicine cabinet being thrown out:

Although I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with it, my instinct was that I needed it, so it sat atop a side table in my room. It acted as a table surface for so long that eventually, I decided that’s what it should become, but it would need legs of it’s own. Luckily, there was a neighborhood wide garage sale this past weekend. I was able to snag another table with a broken top but some nice legs.
I feel like I’m playing Dr. Frankenstein, haphazardly combining two pieces of dirt-cheap furniture. I needed to cover the ugly wood laminate of the medicine cabinet, but I didn’t really want to just paint it. I’d seen other similar projects refinish a box with vinyl and line the inside with felt, so I thought that would be a fun alternative. First I had to take everything apart. The main box of the medicine cabinet was what I planned on wrapping.

I’ll try to abbreviate the step by step. First cut out all the vinyl to the shape of the side (plus some overhang.) Then start mounting strips of vinyl. Spray both the surfaces to be joined with spray adhesive and let that sit for a few seconds. Then stick the vinyl strip onto the side of the box, working from one end to the other pressing it smooth. It's actually pretty tricky to keep your hands clean, so having a clean surface (rag or sheet of paper) to help press the vinyl smooth was helpful for me. The felt was MUCH more difficult to apply because its so fibrous.
The fully wrapped, fully felted box looks pretty decent, and it looks even better once I add those brass corner guards. Unfortunately, wrapping the box took the whole afternoon, so I'll have to table this project for now.