One of the many little quirks to our home is a storage space above the laundry room. It existed before the renovation though we did carve a little more ceiling space out of it for one of our bedrooms. To access it there's a step ladder hooked onto the ledge. There's even a transom window at the back of that space, so it's not quite so scary looking during the day.
After changing that wall from black to white, however, I was a little uneasy about the ladder. Leaving a loose piece of lumber bearing against drywall seemed like it was asking for trouble, but I didn't want to loose access to the storage space. For now, until I come up with something better, I decided to add some padding to the base of the ladder to try to minimize scuffs. Luckily I still had access to the brad nailer I used to do all the trim. I also had some spare pieces of cork which were easy to cut to the perfect size. It's a small improvement, but hopefully this will keep that wall relatively protected from scuffs.