My DIY bitters have been soaking for several weeks now, and I'm pretty sure they're ready to be transferred to their dropper jars. I'd been agitating the herbs and spices in the shaker jar, and hopefully I got enough footage of doing that. I'm still planning on making a video documenting the whole process of the kit, so this past weekend I shot the second half, and of course had to make a story board for this sequence as well. Most of these shots deal with the making of a cocktail. Originally, I'd wanted to do a Sazerac, thinking of the bright colors and the fact that the bitters are a "citrus blend," but settled instead on doing a margarita.
Here's the Storyboard for Part 2:
The first shot, much like the previous storyboard, is going to be an overhead of assembling the materials. The space I was filming in didn't have a whole lot of "nice backgrounds" around it, so picking vantage points became an exercise in avoiding repetition, while still keeping things neat.
One of the perks of making a margarita is that there's the added step of dealing with citrus. The recipe I'm using calls for 3 limes and 1 orange. I didn't end up using this exact shot, but rather a front on view of the knife cutting the limes. Like I said, and exercise in avoiding repetition.
I couldn't help but think of the opening for Dexter for this shot. I even considered doing it "slow-motion" to really capture the violence in the act of juicing. This is another shot that I think ended up being a little different than this concept sketch.
The assembly shot is where I really started to feel like I was repeating myself. I'm pretty sure I have this exact same frame for the "making the bitters." I guess there's only so many ways you can show combining ingredients.
Again with the shaking... I'd already done a fair bit of this while waiting for the bitters to seep, so after consulting some "Thirsty For..." videos I thought it might not be too jarring to show this one in slow-motion. We'll see how the quality comes out when I edit.
The last shot was the first one I came up with for this sequence. I don't really want to show the drinks being drunk close-up, so instead I'm doing a simple "Cheers!" While I'm planning on replacing most of the audio with duty-free music, I'll probably incorporate the Ding! somehow as a punctuation mark at the end of the film.
It took me a surprisingly long time to finish recording. There were several steps I forgot to storyboard, but remembered as I was doing them. Each shot will only last about 4-5 seconds, but the set-up for each took as much as 20 min. My roommate wase obliging enough to help me with the occasional tracking shot, and even appears as a hand model at the end. The final step is to edit everything together. I've always enjoyed movie editing, but it's one part of the process that can take quite a while.