Here, in our house of four, grown adults, we each have our own special cubbys. A total throw back to kindergarten, this system has actually proven super useful. The coffee table, built by one of the roommates, is set up perfectly for this. Each of it's compartments is just the right size to fit a laptop. Whenever someone leaves something on a table that needs clearing their cubby becomes a nice little repository for it to go to.
There's just been one little annoyance that I wanted to remedy. Between the books I sometimes leave out, tablet, and laptop there's a great deal of reshuffling. More often than not, whatever I wanted to get to would be at the bottom, and I'd have to take everything out just to get to it. The laptop is particularly cumbersome, so I came up with a quick & simple solution: two rails (braced at the back by a third piece) elevate my laptop, creating a kind of upper-shelf. I wish I had the resources to make something that would match the poplar of the table, but for now this will have to do.