When I purchase a new sketchbook the hardest part is usually getting started. That pristine first page holds so much potential for untold genius waiting to be revealed. Whatever I begin with will set the tone for the WHOLE sketchbook, both to myself and to the future historians who spend their lives researching my amazingness. That first page is intimidating enough that I used to skip it completely.
Now I have a new strategy, I draw free-hand horizontal lines across the width of the page. It’s an often recommended exercise in architecture school to help develop hand-eye coordination. Our professors understood that the act of drawing was far more important than the finished product. I’ve also heard of art professors telling freshmen to throw their sketchbooks off the roof to break them in. It’s all about making the object less precious in order to focus on the process. I used to buy the crappiest sketchbooks I could find and only draw using “common” implements for a similar reason.
Although I've never liked the word "BLOG," I’ve always thought I should have something like it. Outside of college, I’ve found few opportunities to practice clearly writing out my thoughts and ideas, which I think is a valuable skill for me to practice, even if it isn't interesting to anyone else. I plan to post weekly, and will always include something to look at. This week, the only thing I have to show off is this plate of soon-to-be chocolate chip cookies:
Currently I’m living in a half moved-in home, and I don’t have any measuring implements. In violation of the laws of baking, I have guesstimated the amounts for every single ingredient of this recipe. They look about right to start off with:

Here they are baking:

And here’s the finished product, pretty tasty if I do say so myself!