While throwing together my Halloween Party, I gave up some of my furniture, so I had to move all of my books to a spot on the ground. Afterwards, while putting them back, I thought it might be fun to group them into categories. Fiction/non-fiction soon gave way to 6 categories (with some some categorical overlap.) I quickly realized this would make a fun graphic.
It's almost a bar chart. After some cropping and color adjusting, I started throwing labels on the categories. When I came across city blueprint, I realized it was too perfect for architecture, and decided to make all the fonts somewhat reflexive of their categories. Now, I don't really collect/curate fonts, so most are just pulled from the pre-bundled ones on my computer. However, when I couldn't find any good ones for food, I did a quick search and found PW Yummy Dounuts. It's a fun way to look at my book buying habits. Maybe next time I'll do the ones I've read vs those I haven't?
I didn’t know you read so much nonfiction.
Well, I certainly accumulate a lot of non-fiction. I can’t say I’ve READ everything in that pile.