The process of taking down my scaffolding was pretty much the same as putting it up, but in reverse. I'd seen this inevitable day coming and planned ahead to make things easier on myself. By leaving the nail heads ever-so-slightly exposed, I'd made sure they were easy to pull out. It took almost no time at all to loosen the surface boards.

With the standing surface removed, I was able to start disassembling the base. Most of this was straightforward nail pulling, although at one point I needed someone to hold up a side while I pulled nails on the other.
Once the two sides were removed it was easy enough to lay the sides down and disassemble the remaining pieces. From the day I built my scaffolding, til I took it down, one of my main goals has always been to be able to re purpose all of the pieces for a dining table down the road. The scaffolding did give me a chance to experience the final weight of the table, and I must admit I'm a little nervous about that...